[Question]DMT48270C043_04WM update problem
There was such a problem: I tried to upgrade the DMT48270C043_04WM display. Formatted the FAT32 / 4kB SD card, made a DWIN_SET folder, put the T5UIC1_V22_20200409.BIN file into it. When turned on with the card, the screen went out and nothing happened for several minutes. Now the screen is constantly black. Handshake does not answer.Can this problem be solved?
Thank you. Hello Tashkey, I am Millie from Dwin Technology company.
Enclosed pls kindly find the T5UICI CFG file for your use. Pls kindly put this file into DWIN_SET folder, then download it to the diaplay and turn on the clock calibration function(5A A5),
While, pls kindly use the serial port continues to send data(Thirty-one: 0x55 datas),
Then, insert card, the screen will have the following display:
May i have your other contact informations?
If any questions of Technical problems, pls feel free to contact me.
Email: millie@dwin.com.cn Whatsapp: +8617665286850 Wechat: Q125515017
You can reach me by above contact information at any time, Looking forward to receive your early reply. Thank you very much.
Best regards
See you
Millie Wu
Hello Millie.
Thank you so much for the detailed answer. I will try this. Unfortunately, there are no changes yet. But I remembered one more thing. Along with the upgrade, I put a new font on the SD card. I made it using Font Builder.exe and it had a .dzk extension. But the documentation (T5UIC1 Kernel Application Guide.pdf) says that the font should be named 0T5UIC1.HZK and I just renamed my file to 0T5UIC1.HZK. Since, obviously, these are different types of files, did I kill the system font and that is why nothing is displayed on my display? How do I fix this? What should I have done to load a new font?
Thank you.