[Question]DMG10600T101_41W disable 4F 4B
Hello everyone, I have a problem with the DMG10600T101_41W screen. After sending the command to the screen, I receive a response (5A A5 03 82 4F 4B //The write instruction is answered). Where and how can I disable this response (5A A5 03 82 4F 4B)? dear,You can leave the 4F4B response unprocessed.I'll find the source code and send you a version . 本帖最后由 Dai2816130749 于 2023-10-11 08:51 编辑
hello, pleaseLeave your company name and contact information in the private message, and we will modify it and send it to you. DWIN-ARK 发表于 2023-10-10 23:50
dear,You can leave the 4F4B response unprocessed.
I'll find the source code and send you a version...
In my case, it is difficult to leave the 4F4B answer unprocessed. It constantly clogs the USART and the program freezes. Try this and see if it works Dai2816130749 发表于 2023-10-11 17:50
Try this and see if it works
This operating system has no answer. But the system variables for working with the SD card interface (for storing and playing video and audio files) do not work in it. Check and verify it. Dai2816130749 发表于 2023-10-16 09:13
Check and verify it.
Great, just what I need! No response 4F4B, video from SD card works.
Thank you very much!!!! 你好,我正在做一个 41W 的数字视频显示器。我正在做一个 41W 的数字视频显示屏。 我也想在我的项目中使用 C51 代码。 但我没有视频屏幕的项目草案,当我编译自己的项目时,它不能播放视频。您能分享一下您这样安排的 C51 项目吗? Hello. I am working on a 41W digital video display. I also want to use C51 code in my project. But I do not have a draft project for video screens and when I compile my own projects, it does not play video. Can you share the C51 project you have made this arrangement?