Hi, I'm using <Variable data input> to input my numbers as float (ex. 123.45)
with below properties :
- Data auto-uploading : (checked)
- Variable type : Long int(double word)
- Integer digits : 3
- Decimal digits : 2
- VP(0x) : 2000
And linked it to <Data variable display> to show my number.
No problem to disaply the number on my <Data variable display>.
But, when I try to input
9 => (11) : 5a a5 08 83 20 00 02 00 00 03 84
1.2 => (11) : 5a a5 08 83 20 00 02 00 00 00 78
I assume "02 00 00 03 84" is 9, but how it can be converted like that ?
And how abut real float like my 1.2 ?
Could you exaplin how I can convert it to the real number via console message ?