dwin released some C51 source codes for T5L core, in order to work with Keil developemnt tool. but I choose to use sdcc. After reading the source codes for Keil c51. I figured out only a few changes can make sdcc work as well.
1. put DWINT5 to the right place. I get this done by assmbly code. I put following code into T5L.as and link it to my firmware.
- .area CSEG (abs, CODE)
- .org 0xf8
- .globl __T5L_init__
- __T5L_init__: .db 0xff, 0xff
- .db 'D','W','I','N','T','5'
2. make sure initialize the registers at the beginning of the "main" function.
- CKCON = 0x00;
- T2CON = 0x70;
- DPC = 0x00;
- PAGESEL = 0x01;
- D_PAGESEL = 0x02; //DATA RAM 0x8000-0xFFFF
- MUX_SEL = 0x00; //UART2,UART3关闭,WDT关闭
- RAMMODE = 0x00;
3. make sure the linker included following options: --xram-loc 0x8000 --xram-size 0x7fff.
because the external ram starts from 0x8000 to 0xffff, only 32k, not 65k.
4. the sdcc has different mcs51 extentions vs Keil.
for example, all the keywords __xdata, __data, __sfr. everything has "__" as prefix. I have to go through all the SFR definitions to replace the Keil style with sdcc style.
Keil is the best 8051 compiler, but sdcc still works and free. |