Im novice, I use DMT48270c043_15WT and DGUS_7.383
After generate button pressed in the software, I get, 13触控配置文件.bin, 14变量配置文件.bin, 22_Config.bin, 00.bmp, 01.bmp files in the DWIN_SET folder . when I copy and downloaded the files in the SD card and there is no display image changes.
I manually change the Chinese file name in to English file name like 13Touch_Control_Config.Bin, 14Variable_Config.bin, and copied in the SD card, and then display changes.
Whenever I send read and write register command 0x5A 0XA5 0X04 0X83 0X00 0X1 0X01 in the serial port software, it updates, working good in the display and the PC.
The T5UID1.CFG file is having value 0x3C, in the system configuration address 0x08 ( .7: data auto uploading. 0=On, 1=Off.)
The Data auto-uploading option is enabled in the project button.
But there is no auto-upload in the serial port whenever touches the screen.
What is the problem.